This is your opportunity to show your support for rewilding in Scotland by urging the Scottish Government to declare Scotland a Rewilding Nation, committing to nature recovery across 30% of our land and seas to benefit nature, climate and people. Download and read the Charter, read the supporting evidence or sign the Charter now:
Imagine a Scotland rich in wildlife, where our hills are draped in a complex tapestry of native woodlands and healthy peatlands; where grasslands bloom with flowers and wetlands thrum with life; where great, green seagrass meadows carpet the ocean floor and vast oyster beds buttress our wild coasts.
Imagine a Scotland full of vibrant communities, where nature’s restoration inspires and supports local enterprises, where people of all ages can find rewarding jobs, and where nature-rich landscapes are accessible to everyone, reawakening our connection with the wonders of the natural world.
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The living systems on which we all depend are being eroded, undermining our access to food, fresh water and clean air, hindering our ability to lock away carbon, and harming our health and wellbeing.
Scotland now ranks as one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth. As climate breakdown accelerates and nature loss continues, we face an unprecedented threat to our way of life and our children’s future. We are a nation on life support.
Still, there is hope. Rewilding offers us a chance to breathe life back into our increasingly lifeless land and seas, revitalising natural processes, restoring missing species, enriching communities and building resilience against the challenges we know the future holds.
There are already more than 150 rewilding projects across Scotland, from community gardens to landscape-scale partnerships, but we need to do more. Much more! That’s why the Scottish Rewilding Alliance has created the Rewilding Nation Charter.
The nature and climate emergencies can feel overwhelming. What can any one person do, we often ask ourselves. Well, we can all unite behind a clear message. So, add your voice to ours, urging the Scottish Government to declare Scotland the world’s first Rewilding Nation and commit 30% of Scotland’s land and seas to rewilding principles.
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We’re calling on everyone who shares our hopes and sense of urgency to make your voices heard, declaring your support for four key principles:
1. REWILDING TO RESTORE NATURE Nature underpins the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink, but nature cannot continue supplying these life-giving services in the face of unrelenting exploitation. Rewilding offers our best hope of restoring health to the natural world we all depend on. 2. REWILDING OURSELVES Nature is at its best when it is wild and unpredictable – an endless source of surprise, joy and wonder. If we want to enjoy all the fruits of nature’s dynamism, let's learn to embrace more uncertainty, support coexistence with wildlife and make more space for wildness in our day-to-day lives. 3. REWILDING FOR PEOPLE Business as usual is no longer an option. Changing how we do things is now essential, but everyone needs to be included in that change. So we invite people from all walks of life to join Scotland’s inspirational rewilding journey. Working together, we can create a greener, fairer Rewilding Nation we can all be proud of. 4. REWILDING AT SCALE Rewilding can reconnect and expand our scattered fragments of remaining nature – reversing biodiversity loss in these small and isolated pockets. Crucially, rewilding at scale would restore landscape-level connectivity, allowing wildlife to flourish and helping us tackle climate breakdown. |
Signing the Rewilding Nation Charter will help us demonstrate to the Government that rewilding is supported across Scotland. Will you add your support?